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If you have experienced discrimination, police misconduct, or any other violation of your civil or Constitutional rights, please contact us.

Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Conservatorships, Trust Administration, Probate

With our aging population, estate planning is becoming an increasingly crucial tool to manage the affairs of our elders. A properly executed estate plan can save thousands of dollars in probate fees, attorney's fees and court fees, not to mention hundreds of hours of headaches. Most people are not aware of the tools available to them to avoid court intervention into your affairs because of aging. Call us, or contact us online for a free 20 minute consultation about your situation and how an estate plan could help.

Marriage, Civil Unions, Domestic Partnerships

If you need assistance with divorce, child custody, annulment or other family law matters we can help. Call us or contact us online for a free 20 minute consultation to see if we can help.

Property Disputes, Personal Injury Claims, Evictions and Title Actions

Are you a landlord? If so, do you know the very detailed legal rules regarding evictions (particularly in the Cities of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley where there are special local rules)? If you are a landlord and need to evict a tenant we can help get the job done. 


Are you being evicted? You have very limited time to respond to an eviction action. Call for a free 20 minute consultation as soon as you become aware of an eviction action against you to discuss your options.


Property disputes, quiet title actions, partition actions, easement creation or disputes, and distributions of real estate after death all require legal action and mistakes can be costly. If you are involved in a real estate dispute contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.

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